Using pride and vision to address issues

BHP safety concerns consultant

MoHow consulting using pride and vision ↓

Using pride and vision to address issues with BHP as part of their safety concerns project.
Often, when large companies address issues, equally large consulting firms are called to consult. However, with the help of MoHow, BHP asked. Is there another way? Together, they set a challenge of establishing a shared vision that BHP and their contractors could be proud of, as well as addressing issues that stood in the way of this vision. This had the goal of engaging contracting companies to establish a shared vision for achieving zero harm.

To achieve this goal of empowering employee safety through a shared vision, MoHow was asked to facilitate BHP Iron Ore’s Safety conference, an event where the CEO’s of their biggest 300 contracting companies come together to share, learn and celebrate. At the conference, an appreciative approach to company change was used to empower positive change.

“Employees took great pride in their commitment to safety.

MoHow began by asking 300 company CEO's to share with their peers “what are the moments they are proud of in their journey towards zero harm in their company.” Together, the CEO’s established a vision for zero harm and then commenced work on an implementation plan for each company that would be reported back at a follow-up CEO conference in six months. Within six months a significant drop in safety incidents was reported. MOHOW asked the room for examples of what has changed.

A key moment for MoHow was when a CEO sat at the second conference and shared with the room her action following the last conference - in her company she decided to meet with all of their thousands of staff each day for three months and ask them about their proudest moment in the company. She reported that it all made sense when a staff member cried upon meeting her and said that it was the first time in 20 years that he had met the CEO. After this conference, a significant drop was seen in high potential injuries almost every year, a trend which continues today [1]. High potential injuries are reported injuries where the chance of a fatality is high.

“Material change to safety procedures could be achieved if employees and contractors worked together under this shared vision.

It is important to remember that compliance and procedure, whilst important, can only take a company so far. At BHP, where thousands of people must complete complex processes to ensure the safety of themselves and others, strong company culture and a shared vision address the human side of safety and workplace injury. Empowering employees, not forcing them to care about safety.
1. Safety at BHP. (2021). Retrieved 5 May 2021, from https://www.bhp.com/sustainability/safety-and-health/safety/

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